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“Healing Angels” is ideal for IET® students who want to learn to call upon the Angels and add a special spiritual dimension to their sessions. Great for students who do not have any IET® Training but who love angels!
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this class.
Description: “Healing Angels” class is designed to support two groups of students.
First, it is perfect for students who do not have any Integrated Energy Therapy® Training but who love angels and who would like to meet and work with the nine special angels of healing (Ariel, Raphael, Gabriel, Celestina, Faith, Cassiel, Daniel, Sarah, and Michael).
Second, it is also ideal for IET students who want to learn to call upon the Healing Angels and add a special spiritual dimension to their sessions. You will learn the special healing gift that each angel brings and a special prayer of invitation to call upon the angel.
Everyone from angel novices to experts can benefit from this class.
Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class.
“IET for Pets” class has a focus on cats, dogs, and horses and teaches how to offer a complete Basic Level IET session to these wonderful creatures.
Prerequisites: Students must complete Basic Level Integrated Energy Therapy® training class in order to take this class.
Description: IET for Pets class was developed for people with pets as well as people without pets who love animals.
The objective in designing this class was to focus on cats, dogs, and horses and to teach how to offer a complete Basic Level IET session to these wonderful creatures.
The cellular memory in animals is in some ways similar to that of human beings but is in many ways different.
This class explores the soul’s mission of these three types of pets (through information channeled from Angel Ariel), details their nine cellular memory areas, their IET integration points, and the complete step-by-step session procedures.
No real pets are required for this session!
Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class.
Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy Certification Course®
by Marci Lubore, Master Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy®
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) sessions invite angelic energy to work directly with the body’s cellular memory and energy field to release limiting energy patterns.
IET practitioner are trained to safely and gently release limiting energy patterns and guilt that has been imprinted upon the subconscious and auric energy fields and imprint healing energies.
Become an IET practitioner and help empower others to enjoy more harmony and optimize their 12-strand Spiritual DNA.
Learn the all levels of Integrated Energy Therapy® and even become a master practitioner:
Basic Level IET
Intermediate Level IET
Advanced Level IET
Master Instructor IET
This is a great service to add to an existing wellness practice or a stand alone powerful energy therapy sesion to have in your energy medicine toolkit.
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®) an energy therapy systems that gets the “issues out of your tissues” for good! Developed at the Center of Being, by Stevan J. Thayer, IET uses the violet angelic energy ray, as brought to us through the nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field, to work directly with your 12 Strand Spiritual DNA to support your self-healing process.
IET is a simple and gentle way to open the flow of vital life force within the human body and the Human Energy Field by integrating suppressed feelings from cellular memory and clearing their associated energy blockages.
Benefts of IET:
If you could heal, shift, change, clear, modify, empower, or manifest anything in your life, what would it be?
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) uses energy meridians as well as other aspects of the body to assist in your healing. These energy meridians carry life force energy to nourish all organs and tissues and it is important to keep the flow of life force energy open to maintain good health and wellbeing.
Basic Level IET Sessions – focus on clearing physical and emotional energy blockages from your cellular memory and leave in their place positive empowerment energy imprints.
Intermediate Level IET Sessions – in addition to clearing your cellular memory, Intermediate level IET sessions also focus on clearing physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy imprints from your human energy field and leaving in their place positive energy imprints.
Advanced Level IET Sessions – in addition to clearing your cellular memory and your human energy field, the Advanced level IET session can help you to discover your soul’s mission and attract members of your soul’s cluster to help you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive.
Master-Instructor IET Sessions – in addition to clearing your cellular memory and your human energy field, and bringing your soul’s mission alive in your life, the Master-Instructor level IET session focuses on optimizing your 12 Strand DNA, which can further enhance your wellness at all levels and increases spiritual synchronicities that open the doorways to your destiny.
As these energy imprints are cleared, life force energy can once again flow easily through the meridians and health is restored in the body.
IET is powerful energy therapy to release physical tension and energy blockages in the human body and in animals.
As a Master Instructor, I provide all levels of sessions.
Also offered is a Healing Angels Class,
IET for Pets training, and IET Practitioner training in the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced level modalities for a complete toolkit of divinely enhanced energy therapy skills.
If you could heal, shift, change, clear, modify, empower, or manifest anything in your life, what would it be?
Are you ready to tap into divine angelic energy field surrounding you for guidance?
Since ancient times this force was tapped into by the devas, ancient Greek muses, and today this force is carried out by guardian angels.
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) uses energy meridians as well as other aspects of the body to assist in your healing. These energy meridians carry life force energy to nourish all organs and tissues and it is important to keep the flow of life force energy open to maintain good health and wellbeing.
IET uses the violet angelic energy ray, as brought to us through the nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field, to work directly with your 12 Strand Spiritual DNA to support your self-healing process.
Based on ancient wisdom, the body has 9 regions where it can store the energetic mental and emotional memory of Guilt, Distrust, Shame, Threat, Burdens, Heartache/Betrayals, Resentments, Stress & Powerlessness, and Fear.
These issues held in the energetic memory of the tissues may manifest disease in the body and imbalanced emotions that are not easily identified and resolved.
The physical body has subtle energy fields that surround it upward and outward by many feet that inform the body – the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes.
It is in these planes that memory of karmic imprints from this life or past lives, ancestral memories, and emotional traumas are accessed.
The Etheric Plane is the closest energy field to an object or the body just 2 to 4 inches above and surrounding the physical body. This is the energetic field of the Aura surrounding the body and where everyday energies from other people and the surrounding environment get into your energy field.
The Astral Plane extends 12-24 inches further away and connects the physical body with the higher mind and is the field of emotions, desires, and feelings, and where attachments of joy and emotional triggers are held.
The Mental plane is 24-36 inches away from the physical body and is associated with the intellect, imagination and memory - energy waves of information we draw upon as we think and remember, including traumas and painful events.
The Causal Plane relates to the spiritual body. Past life information, and the karmic lessions that we seem to experience in this lifetime are tapped into in the Causal Plane along with your soul's purpose.
IET Soul Unity Session will shift subconscious habits and clear physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy imprints from your human energy field and adds on soul star karmic clearing - clearing blocks to knowing your soul’s purpose and blueprint in this lifetime.
As these energy imprints are cleared, life force energy can once again flow easily through the meridians and health is restored in the body.
With a clear energy field there is a sense of unity and universal oneness with all beings that opens up reuniting with soul family and soul mates here to help us in our journey.
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